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Cookie Punch - our Neos package for Consent Management

Rita Bilyarchyk27.09.2021

Third party services are used in almost every website these days and managing consent settings can be quite the struggle both for the service provider and the client. Therefore, we developed a user- and client-friendly solution for Neos: CookiePunch.

This package provides a generic approach for asking the user for their consent to use 3rd-party content in a Neos website which could track their actions. It integrates Klaro as the UI for displaying the (cookie-) consent modal and for unblocking groups of elements after the user has given their consent. 

What are the key features?

The main idea of this package is to make configuration of the blocking of the desired elements as easy as possible using YAML. 

The elements get removed before the markup is sent to the client and are replaced by contextual consents. This way the user can decide to view specific content elements by giving temporary or permanent consent directly on the element without having to open the consent pop-up. 


The package also offers localization support using YAML and/or Fusion and a data source which contains all services (e.g. as a dropdown in the inspector). 

And, as mentioned previously, the amazing cookie-consent powered by Klaro ❤️ is bundled directly with this package and supports unblocking of elements and contextual consents.


Let us know on Github what you think about our CookiePunch Package, which features you miss and which bugs you found. We are always happy to hear from you!

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