Are you on Mac or Linux? Which Shell do you use? If you did not think about this question yet, chances are that you use good old Bash. I have used Bash for ages, but recently, switched my working environment to ZSH.
The reason? Amazing autocompletion and a ZSH configuration system called oh-my-zsh which has been praised a lot.
Now, I had some time over the christmas holidays to work on a FLOW3 plugin for oh-my-zsh, which supports the following features:
- The flow3 command is available everywhere inside the FLOW3 distribution, so you can call it from any subdirectory you want.
- The flow3 command now supports autocompletion, both displaying the short help and the full help for a given command
- Some additional helpers to easily run unit and functional tests: f3unittest and f3functionaltest
- A way to mark a FLOW3 distribution as active, and directly cd into any of its packages:
cd /anywhere/you/want
Oh, did I mention that you also get autocompletion for the package keys?
The full plugin is available on GitHub with installation instructions and a more in-depth readme. Go check it out!
… and of course tell me what you think; either via Twitter (@skurfuerst) or via replying