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Summer Event 2015

Tobias Gruber28.08.2015

Let's be honest: it was about time to have a company event for Sandstorm.

We had hardly noticed our 5th anniversary in 2014, the team had more than doubled in size since one year ago and we were looking at establishing a second location in Darmstadt.

So we all agreed that we could use an offsite event to get to know each other better and spend valuable face-to-face time in a relaxed setting. Florian and I agreed on the venue quickly: the Permahof located in Saxon Switzerland. Far away from luxury, close to nature and farm animals and with great opportunities for do-it-yourself activities.

To create an even more comfortable atmosphere we invited our spouses as well. So we turned out to be 13 people and two small kids - an awesome group to enjoy two hot summer days! 

KI generiert: Auf dem Bild sind neun Männer zu sehen, die entspannt vor einer hölzernen Struktur im Freien posieren. Sie lächeln und scheinen eine freundliche Gruppe zu bilden.

Do it yourself

We spent a great amount of time preparing our food - self-made pizza for lunch and BBQ for dinner. It was great to see everyone take a task and have a lot of fun at the same time. We took the time to get to know our newest Sandstormers Alex and Osama while preparing salads and doing the dishes.

Sandstorm - People, Business and Social Impact

While we were all gathered in the same place Florian and I wanted to present a few slides to the team. We prepared a little about Sandstorm's history, the current state of the business, a few snapshots of life at Sandstorm and a presentation of the social projects we support.

We had asked the two largest projects we support to send us some pictures and information material to show to the team. The Kindergarten Gambia and the Fundacion Ruway Nanta sent us beautiful photos and brochures showing their work and how our support is having a positive impact on the lives of the women and children.

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine Person, die vor einer Leinwand präsentiert und eine rote Box mit Bildern darauf hält. Im Hintergrund ist eine Projektionsfläche mit einem Logo und Text zu sehen.


One of the highlights of our day was the tour around the farm by the owner. He showed us the animals, explained the farm's ecological concept and had a personal story to share at every enclosure.

We made good use of the available space and grass by playing Kubb again and again but also found time for a few other games including 'anywhere Boccia' which turned into a crazy mayhem of flying rice sacks ;) 

Great Times

Our summer event at the Permahof was fabulous! We had so much fun, time to relax and get to know each other. There will definitely be another summer event - hopefully sooner than six years from now!

Thanks a lot to everyone who helped to prepare our event, especially Flo, the Permahof Team and all Sandstormers and their families!

KI generiert: Ein Gruppe von Menschen steht und sitzt im Freien auf einer Kletterstruktur und lächelt in die Kamera. Zwei Personen halten Babys auf dem Arm.
KI generiert: Zu sehen sind Menschen, die um ein Lagerfeuer in einem gemütlichen, mit Lichterketten dekorierten Raum sitzen. Die Atmosphäre wirkt entspannt und gesellig.

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