Sebastian released the first Sandstorm Technology Radar in early 2018, stating that it is a subjective snapshot of his ideas and thoughts about technology. You may read up his original blog post here.
Sandstorm has grown since then and we Sandstormers are quite a diverse bunch. Some of us prefer different technologies and have our hands and eyes on different technology horizons. I myself come from a heavily functional programming influenced corner of software development and have technologies in my tool box that might not appear on another’s radar. That’s the motivation for this update or rather extension to Sebastian’s work.
Radar sections
The sections of the radar follow the lead of the Thoughtworks Technology Radar:
- Adopt: Technologies we use today in our (client) projects and there is now doubt these are stable and proven.
- Try: Technologies we might use in future projects or are actively evaluated in side projects right now.
- Assess: Technologies that are not (yet) proven stable and might be risky to use. They might be promising, however, and we will watch them closely.
- Hold: Technologies that might be trending, bit I won’t use for (client) projects.
Please note, that all that is written below is my personal view of the world and the technologies I use and prefer. Also note that I am more a backend and network developer and therefore technologies like JavaScript, React, Redux and their alike might not appear on my personal radar; though we at Sandstorm do make use of them in (client) projects.
Feedback to all that is written is highly welcome.
Radar of October 2019
Currently the Radar is mostly a list of technologies. I will, however, amend the different technologies in the future with some more insight. So stay tuned and come back from time to time.
- Java & Spring Boot
- Clojure
- Erlang/OTP
- NEOS/Flow
- GraphQL
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Actor Model
- Behaviour Driven Development
- Kotlin
- Elixir/Phoenix
- Haskell
- Property Based Testing
- elasticsearch
- PureScript
- C++20 Coroutines
- Rust
- Clojerl
- Common Lisp
- Ruby on Rails
- Groovy