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Vortrag auf der Inspiring Conference 2015: Searching in the Cloud

Tobias Gruber, Sebastian Kurfürst26.01.2015

Sebastian wird auf der Inspiring Con am 28. März 2015 einen Vortrag zum Thema "Searching in the Cloud" halten. Hier schon mal ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf den Inhalt:

"Searching of content is a core feature of almost every website, especially for bigger ones. This talk will explain the general approach of proactively indexing content, also highlighting the supported indexing systems like ElasticSearch. It will especially focus on indexing custom data, and show how this can be integrated with data from external systems like Magento.

Furthermore, we’ll highlight some features which can be built upon a flexible indexing system, such as tagging or categorization of content. You’ll see that search combined with custom content types solves lots of use cases where custom home-grown solutions had to be implemented before."

Wir freuen uns schon auf die Inspiring Con und werden als Premium Sponsor auftreten!

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