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Welcome Eric!

Tobias Gruber19.01.2016

We welcome Eric Kloss as our newest team member!

Eric has previously worked at another software development agency in Dresden bringing product development and support know-how to Sandstorm. After his sabbatical Eric starts with new energy and lots of enthusiasm into our projects!

Eric has a bachelor degree in media production from BA Dresden.

Foto Bastian Heist

Eric has experience with JavaEE development and a number of different frameworks. He has developed products and supported them for customers whereby he has first hand experience what it means to develop software products that are maintainable and run stable in production. His development passion lies with architectures which Eric enjoys to define and implement, adding to Sandstorm's prototyping and kickstarting capabilities. 

In addition to coding Eric is active in a Band with which he spent the better part of his sabbatical. Eric loves to jam away on his guitar playing Punk-Rock and Blues.

Welcome to Sandstorm Eric - let's create awesome web applications together!

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