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Why I enjoyed the PHP Developer Day 2024

Again, the PHP Developer Day in Dresden this year was very exciting.

My seat was in the last row behind the camera equipment and my colleagues and I controlled the recordings. Thankfully, I was still able to listen to most of the content of the nice presentations.

This year the conference initially had many problems that we had to overcome. The original location and catering was canceled a few weeks before the conference. On the conference day and the day before during the setup the elevator was broken and we had to carry equipment, food and drinks the last two floors up and down.

Fortunately, all the spectators were able to take the stairs, and we got a lot of helping hands. Together, we made the conference our conference and a great success.

Thanks to the orga team, the speakers, the sponsors and all attendees for making the event possible. It was a pleasure to listen to the talks and have so many friendly people over in "our" office. I am looking forward to next year's PHP Developer Day in Dresden 2025. You are very welcome to join.

PHPDD Presentation
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PHPDD Presentation


The presentations cover PHP-specific and other software development topics and are in English. Enjoy watching and sharing.

Conference Opening

By Anke Häslich & Holger Woltersdorf.

Resurrecting the dead (Keynote)

A talk by Juliette Reinders Folmer. Resurrecting the Dead is about Juliettes experience in breathing new life into open source projects and keep them healthy.

So you think you know PHPUnit

A talk by Sebastian Bergmann. Sebastian shares many tips and tricks to make everyday work with PHPUnit easier. The slides are available online.

How to write unmaintainable code

A talk by Sebastian Kurfürst. Of course it's about writing maintainable code and with the help of negative and positive examples Sebastian explains how to produce good code or bad code.

A journey from Monolith to Modulith to Microservices and back

A talk by Sebastian Feldmann. Sebastian shares his personal experience while breaking up a Monolithic software into individually maintainable parts.

Writing Custom Rules for PHPStan

A talk by Ondřej Mirtes. Ondřej shows how PHPStan provides static code analysis and live implements own coding rules within minutes.

Need a MACH-ready Search Engine? Choose Gally

A talk by Stephan Hochdörfer. You want a state-of-the-art search without hiring a dedicated team? Stephan shows how far you can get with Gally as a out-of-the-shelf solution.

How to build sustainable web applications

A talk by Carsten Windler. Carsten explains the intersection between resource efficiency, climate friendliness, performance optimization, cost optimization and happy customers.