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Neos - what changes for us

Tobias Gruber26.05.2015

The announcement that Neos and the TYPO3 Association will part ways was released a week ago. Everyone involved with Neos, TYPO3 and their underlying products (Flow, Fluid, Extbase etc.) has to think about what the announcement means for them. At Sandstorm we did this as well and we want to share the outcome with you.

Neos is the way to go

As Sebastian Kurfürst - one of the founders of Sandstorm - is a Neos core developer we have been involved in Neos for a long time and have done projects with Neos since before its 1.0 release. The way the Neos team was focused on the product since that release gives us confidence that Neos and Flow will be greatly improved and supported in the future.

Since the announcement of the split I have become more involved with the Neos team as well and I really like the energy and drive that the team is showing to set the community on a solid footing while - in parallel - working on the Neos 2.0 release.

As we wrote a couple of weeks ago, we think that Neos has great strengths and advantages as a Content Management System, is built on a great foundation and has an awesome team behind it.

Sandstorm is actively involved

As a company and as individuals we are wearing two hats at the same time: as individuals we are contributing to the Neos project in terms of time and effort and as Sandstorm we are supporting that to happen on company time and with technical contributions.

In addition to the product development hours Sebastian is putting into Neos itself, he is working on the announced GitHub migration, Sandstorm is currently hosting the Slack Inviter (which almost 250 people have used already) and I am helping the team with communications, writing news articles for the website and the Neos Newsletter.

We want Neos to grow

For us the direction is very clear: we want Neos to grow. Grow its community, grow its user base, grow its overall relevance in the market and grow into a respected CMS. 

The split from TYPO3 is an opportunity for the Neos team to take on full responsibility for all aspects of the product as well as everything surrounding it: the community, tools, marketing and communication and much more.

We are part of the community and want to encourage you to join us and the Neos team on the exciting journey ahead! 

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